David & Sarah's Wedding Story
David & Sarah’s beautiful wedding ceremony included many traditions with a modern flavour. They wanted to reflect their Canadian and Australian backgrounds and find ways to include their family. As their wedding celebrant I worked with them, suggesting options and designing a wedding ceremony that reflected them.
So …
Why have just one entrance? There are two of you … and two families and so what is better than one beautiful entrance? Two!
David walked in accompanied by his wedding party and escorted by his dad. He took time to stop and kiss his mum as well as Sarah’s mum.
It is those small moments that can’t be underestimated! They show what is most important to you.
Sarah walked into a beautiful rendition of La Vie on Rose. I was pleased we had a rehearsal because when I heard our soloist start singing, I was in tears! It was just one small way David’s French-speaking Canadian background was acknowledged.
Canberra Wedding Location
Margaret Whitlam Pavilion in the National Arboretum
Wedding Photographer
David & Sarah incorporated a sand ceremony in their wedding, a meaningful way of including their families.
Each parent added sand in family colours into David & Sarah’s special memorial container. A beautiful lasting reminder of their wedding day when not only were two people joined together, but two families. Just as the coloured sand is now forever combined, these two families are also forever connected.
Moments from David & Sarah’s ceremony at the Margaret Whitlam Pavilion within the National Arboretum beautifully captured by Keepsakephoto.
The sand ceremony is such a touching piece, I have written a blog post about them - you'll find out more here "Sand Ceremonies"
The team behind this lovely wedding were:
Wedding Reception - Margaret Whitlam Pavilion in the National Arboretum
Wedding Photographer - Keepsake Photo