Robin and Luke's Wedding Story
Robin and Luke’s love story was beautiful! Their wedding ceremony (and reception) reflected everything that was important to them. It was so thoughtfully planned out and so incredibly special.
Robin’s family had come across from Canada. Family was so important to both Robin and Luke and this was reflected in their wedding party. All of their nieces and nephews were included in the entrance as VIPs within the wedding party. Having lollypops in Luke’s top pocket meant that even the youngest kids went where we needed them to go! There was no shortage of tears as each of the kids gave the groom the most heartfelt and cute greetings.
In sharing their love story with their guests, we were able to highlight the values most important to Robin and Luke, and their story was certainly worth celebrating! Meeting the love of your life while travelling in a foreign country and being prepared to move to the other side of the world, leaving family and friends is an indication of the depth of their love. We had lots of laughs about their strengths as individuals and as a couple – and this was reflected in their vows, including a promise to always help with year 6 maths.
Their smiles as they walked back down the aisle says more than any words can!
Canberra Wedding Location
Wedding Photographer
Robin and Luke chose Federal Golf Club as the venue for their wedding and reception. It meant they had Plan B in case of bad weather. More importantly, it was the perfect blend of the beautiful Australian countryside (complete with kangaroos) as well as sparking treasured memories for Robin of fun times playing golf with her dad.
The reception was a night of parting complete with some extra special Canadian mementos for guests to take home. The Canadian and Australian influences were definitely there in the drink options!!
I loved working with Robin and Luke as we planned their wedding because each decision was so intentional. They knew what was important to them and where they wanted to focus their celebrations. Their wedding was absolutely a celebration of them!
Robin and Luke’s Day was beautifully captured by the talented Neil Hole.
The team behind this wonderful wedding were:
Wedding Reception - Federal Golf Club
Wedding Photographer - Neil Hole